Solidity Package

Quickly integrate cross-chain functionalities into your blockchain projects with git clone

๐Ÿ“˜ If you just want to try us out quickly or if you are experiencing issues with the more complex example, you can easily follow our HelloERC20 guide and launch your own cross chain token in minutes. It will provide you with a great foundation.


Start by installing the package in your project:

git clone

Importing the Package

import "./message/MessageClient.sol";

Example Implementation and Explanation

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.9;

import "./message/MessageClient.sol";

contract MyCrossChainContract is MessageClient {
    // Constructor to set up the MessageV3 Client
    constructor(address messageV3Address) {
        MESSAGEv3 = IMessageV3(messageV3Address);

    // Function to send a message to another chain
    function sendMessageToAnotherChain(uint destinationChainId, bytes memory data) public {
        // Sending a message to the specified chain
        uint txId = _sendMessage(destinationChainId, data);
        // Additional logic after sending the message (if needed)

    // Function to send a message using express mode
    function sendExpressMessageToAnotherChain(uint destinationChainId, bytes memory data) public {
        // Sending a message using express mode
        uint txId = _sendMessageExpress(destinationChainId, data);
        // Additional logic after sending the message (if needed)

    // Overriding the messageProcess function to handle incoming messages
    function messageProcess(
        uint _txId, uint _sourceChainId, address _sender, address _reference, 
        uint _amount, bytes calldata _data
    ) external override onlySelf(_sender, _sourceChainId) {
        // Decode the incoming message and process it
        // Example: (address from, uint256 value) = abi.decode(_data, (address, uint256));
        // Process the message as required

    // Additional functions and logic as required for your contract
    // ...

Using the MessageClient ABI

You can import the ABI for the MessageClient contract directly from the package:

const { MessageClientABI } = require('./message/abi');
import { MessageClientABI } from './message/abi';

You can then load contracts using this ABI:

const myContract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, MessageClientABI, signer);

Using the MessageClient Configuration

You can import common addresses and configuration for the MessageClient contract directly from the package:

const chainsConfig = require('./config/chains');
import chainsConfig from './config/chains';

You can then reference values from chains by using the chainId as an index:

// Get the message contract address of the current network
const messageAddress = chainsConfig[].message;

After Deployment Configuration Script

This script is an example to be ran after all of the corresponding Client contracts have been deployed and addresses collected. This script is used to enable all of the desired chains and configure each of the contracts to accept messages from each other utilizing the configureClient() function in the package.

const { ethers } = require('ethers');
const chainsConfig = require('./config/chains');
const { MessageClientABI } = require('./message/abi');

async function configureContract() {
    // Configuration Parameters
    const rpcUrl = ''; // Example Ethereum RPC URL
    const privateKey = '0xYOUR_PRIVATE_KEY'; // Example private key
    const contractAddress = '0xabcd...1234'; // Example deployed contract address on Ethereum

    // Initialize ethers with provider and signer
    const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(rpcUrl);
    const signer = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider);

    // Instantiate the contract
    const myContract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, MessageClientABI, signer);

    try {
        const chains = [5, 11155111, 17000]; // Desired chain IDs
        const endpoints = ['0x000000','0x000000','0x000000']; // YOUR deployed instances of ATWTest on each chain
        const confirmations = [12, 6, 6]; // Desired confirmation counts for each chain

        // Configure the client with MessageV3 address and chain data
        const tx = await myContract.configureClient(
            chainsConfig[].message, // Use the message contract address of the current network

        console.log('Transaction sent:', tx.hash);
        await tx.wait();
        console.log('Chains configured successfully.');
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('An error occurred during configuration:', error);

// Execute the configuration